What is a digestive tract?
The digestive tract is a set of organs that work together when you consume food and liquid to help you swallow, digest, and absorb nutrients and eliminate waste. A gastrointestinal (GI) condition occurs when the digestive system is not functioning as it should. Common GI conditions are diverticular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, celiac disease, and GERD.
How does aging change a person’s digestive tract?
Age and nutrition are some of the many factors that cause a change in GI conditions. The GI Society and the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research hope to bring awareness to Canadians on this topic. With the financial support of the Province of British Columbia Ministry of Health, they have released two videos about the effects of aging on the digestive tract. See here.
How can we help?
As you age, it can become more difficult to manage your nutrition. When this becomes a challenge, many older adults look to home health organizations or independent living residences to help them live as well as possible. Click here to find more information about what is available to support you in your community.